Sunday, 18 September 2011
A 1750pt list for ToS that I can settle on...
Ok, so after months of faffing about and weighing up the Mephiston issue I've finally gone for a list I am happy with. The main point for me is it needs to feel like a Flesh Tearers force. A nice contingent of Death Company is a must.
Let's go through the list first:
Librarian 100
-Shield & Fear of Darkness
Furioso Dreadnought 125
-Blood Fist & Meltagun
-Frag Cannon
-Magna Grapple 15
-Drop Pod 35
6 Death Company 120
-2 Power Axes 30
-Thunder Hammer 30
Chaplain Lemartes 150
Death Company Dreadnought 125
-Blood Talons
5 Assault Marines 100
-Meltagun 10
-Lightning Claw 15
-Razorback 20
--T/L Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines 100
-Meltagun 10
-Lightning Claw 15
-Razorback 20
--T/L Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines 100
-Razorback 20
--T/L Lascannon 35
Fast Attack:
2 Attack Bikes 80
-2xMulti Meltas 20
-Lascannon Sponsons 65
-Lascannon Sponsons 65
Stormraven 200
-Extra Armour 15
-T/L Multi Melta
-T/L Assault Cannon
Ok so now the rundown...
Let's start in HQ.... I was playtesting with Mephiston for ages. He's a great unit and easily capable of making his points back. The only problem with him is meta. Poisoned Dark Eldar weapons, Rending S7 Psycannons and PSYK-OUT GRENADES...not even getting into Psychotroke... but Psyk Out grenades make him Nemesis fodder. And I expect there to be a lot of Grey Knights and Dark Eldar. We all know his strengths, but I think at 250pts he suffers too badly against prominent top tier lists. So instead we have gone for your basic Librarian with Shield, which I feel is vital for a heavily armoured list, and also Fear Of The Darkness. Whilst you might see Librarians used often in a BA list to support their close combat elements I am interested in their other strengths. Boosting the survivability of numerous AV13 targets is one. Being able to make a large number of units run off of objectives or even the board edge is another.
Elites.. An area of the BA codex, like many others in 5th ed, which is over-flowing with viable options. The obvious Priests, Assault Terminators, Furioso Dreadnoughts. All good options. I have gone for a Furioso in this list, but in a less common configuration. With a lot of light armoured vehicles as well as the Stormraven in my list, I feel I need a survivable alpha strike unit. I am particularly fearful of IG Hydra batteries and Long Fangs. A podding Furioso can handle both of these very well early on and with 13 front armour are likely to hang around. Mine is equipped with a Frag Cannon, Meltagun and Magna Grapple for a possible 4 shots on entry and the Blood Fist means he can tie up units in combat or assault vehicles as well.
Troops... After dropping Mephiston for a normal Librarian I added in an extra RAS unit with the 150 extra points to bring my scoring units up to 3. This time in a T/L Lascannon Razor so that it can sit in the backfield on home objective but also offer a threat. My two main objective taking units are 5 man RAS squads with Meltagun and Lightning Claw in T/L Heavy Flamer Razorbacks. These are very cheap units that are still able to provide a small threat. They will mainly be held in reserve and brought on late to objective claim.
And then the crux of the list, Lemartes and 6 DC in a Stormraven with a DC Dread with Talons. I'm a huge fan of Lemartes. I6 with Furious Charge means he goes before Halberds if he has to, and he cannot be targeted in combat either. He's a machine. The Dread is great against units that would otherwise decimate the DC, such as Grey Knights with Halberds or Death Cult Assassins. And if the Furioso is stlll around that makes for another very useful unit in assault that can tie up targets I want to avoid.
Fast Attack... 2 Attack Bikes. Multi Meltas. Standard fare.
Heavy... 2 AutoLas Predators for long ranged fire support. Stormraven for Death delivery.
So basically this will be a mainly reserved army, with the Predators, Las Razorback and Attack Bikes looking to out manoeuvre the enemy to get early kills, along with the Furioso to hit some rear armour and generally be a nuisance. Then we bring on reserves to clear house in turns 3-6. I am capitalising on the fact that I have a lot of units that can contest or hold objectives late in game, and am aiming to use a weight of force to overwhelm parts of the board.
Going to now try and learn to use an air brush in the space of a couple of days...
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