So, for all Flesh Tearers commanders the Chain Axe is an essential piece of kit. The Forgeworld Chain Axe upgrade sprues look brilliant, but with no hands attached and resin being about as brittle as meringue it can be very hard to equip your marines with these axes.
This can be avoided if you have patience and a steady hand. I use this method to replace the Assault Marine chainswords as the parts are readily available.
Equipment you will need:

A chainsword arm, a paper clip, a FW Chain Axe, clippers, craft knife, pin vice drill.
First point is to clip off the chain sword. This is very easy to do because the fist gives you a nice guide to rest the clipper against.

After you have done this, cut off the crossguard and then using a craft knife cut off the pommel leaving one ridge of the grip below the hand. You will be left with this.

Take your pin vice and then drill a hole through the bottom of the grip you left underneath the hand. Use your eye to angle the pin vice so it comes out of the other side of the fist at a realistic angle. You will be left with this:

Take your paper clip and put a small amount of super glue on it then feed it through the hole in the hand. leave a couple of milimetres of pin exposed either side. It is better to leave more rather than less, as you can always cut off more wire with clippers if it is too long, but can't add more on if it is too short.

Take your chain axe and using your craft knife cut through the grip 2 ridges down

Trim the ends flat using your knife and then using the tip of the blade push a little dent in the very centre of the 2 pieces so you can begin to drill them hollow. Now, being very patient and careful, take your pin vice, line up the drill bit to the dent you made with the blade and begin to drill out the 2 pieces so they are hollow. You only need to drill out a few milimetres so you can afford to take your time and make sure you keep the drill bit straight and parallel with the axe pieces. It is important to remember you can only hollow out the grip, as the shaft of the axe is too thin, so make sure you stop when you get to the top of the grip on the axehead part otherwise you will ruin your resin axe. You will be left with something like this:

Then take the 2 now hollow axe parts and line them up to make sure they have enough hollowed out to fit flush against the fist. When you have drilled them out enough dab a spot of superglue onto the paper clip pin and attach them to the hand like so.

And then you can attach the arm to your marine, ready to bring righteous retribution for the Flesh Tearers chapter.

awesome tutorial there, and really nice blog!